Vali Çetinkaya öğrencilere süt dağıttı…

vali (1)

Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı ile Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından ortaklaşa yürütülen “Okul Sütü” projesi kapsamında Sinop’ta öğrencilere süt dağıtımı yapıldı. Fatih İlkokulu’nda gerçekleştirilen dağıtım töreninde konuşan Vali Yasemin Özata Çetinkaya, il genelindeki ilk ve ana okullarında haftanın üç günü öğrencilere okul sütü dağıtımı yapmaya başladıklarını söyledi.


Projenin özellikle gelişim çağındaki çocuklar için çok önemli olduğuna işaret eden Vali Çetinkaya, “Bu, gelecek nesillere yapılacak yatırım anlamında ülkemiz adına bir kazançtır diye düşünüyorum. Tüm çocuklara afiyet ve sağlık olması dileğinde bulunuyorum. Proje inşallah uzun yıllar başarıyla devam eder. Çünkü bu geleceğimiz olan çocuklar için çok önemli” dedi. İl Milli Müdürü Nevzat Türkkan ise söz konusu sütlerin sağlıklı bir şekilde depolanması konusunda gerekli tüm tedbirlerin alındığını, 11 bin 800 öğrenciye haftanın üç günü süt dağıtımı yaptıklarını kaydetti.


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  23. If you’re into trivia, Kahoot! is the easiest-to-use platform my family has found. One person hosts and sends out a challenge, and the rest of the people on the call complete rounds of trivia on the Kahoot app. Kahoot’s other games lean toward learning as well — brain teasers, sciences quizzes and lots of different trivia topics. You can play on, but most players use the app, so make sure that everyone in your group is somewhat tech-savvy (for reference, my grandma can usually figure it out just fine). The Internet Archive Console Living Room harkens back to the revolution of the change in the hearth of the home, when the fireplace and later television were transformed by gaming consoles into a center of videogame entertainment. Although initially slated for a fall release, the Cards Against Humanity makers decided to move up the timeline and make a free, printable family-friendly version of the famous card game available for bored families everywhere. So print the downloadable PDF out, and schedule that Skype/Zoom/Google Hangout with your family for a PG virtual game night. And don’t worry, you can still play the raunchy NSFW version as well via Playing Cards. One of those creative tournaments is Clutch Chess, created by grandmaster and chess commentator Maurice Ashley and hosted by St. Louis Chess Club. The $100,000 event, which features the top four American players, including Caruana, takes place May 26-29.  CHESS KLUB Present’s U-1500 International Chess Championship Tournament Details:- 25th February 2023 Time: 7.30 PM… The International Chess Federation (FIDE) launched “Checkmate Coronavirus” on May 18—the biggest online chess marathon ever, with an estimated 1.5 million games to be played across more than 2,000 tournaments in 720 hours of nonstop action until June 16. A rating is a 3-4 digit number associated with a player to showcase their playing strength. The higher the number, the better the player… the lower the number, weaker the player. The lowest possible rating is 100. The highest possible rating (in theory) is 3000, although the highest rating any chess player has managed to achieve was 2851 which was held by the World Champion at the time, Garry Kasparov. Pretty straight forward right? But with such a huge difference in highest possible and lowest possible, how can you tell if your rating is any good and where you stand in the grand scheme of things?

  24. Roulette options include auto-roulette. This is a real roulette wheel, with no croupier. It will spin automatically at set time intervals. A notable twist on the standard roulette game is immersive roulette. This game is available at casinos linked to Evolution Gaming’s live studios. It features 3D special effects and slow-motion replays of the ball landing. The key to winning any online casino game is in first understanding the rules. In casino roulette, your goal as a player is to guess the number that the ball will land on once the spinning wheel has come to halt, but the rules of online casino roulette all depend on type of game you choose to play. Once you’ve mastered the rules, take the time to study the best casino roulette strategies. Whilst no strategy can categorially guess the number that the ball will land on, you’ll be able to improve your odds of winning by learning how to play the game best. Take a look at some of winning tips from our experts below.
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  27. To reduce these problems, Health Canada should let producers more freely differentiate and describe their products. Health Canada is also requiring labels that include warnings for youth and pregnant women, caution against operating machinery or driving a car, and notices about mental health and addiction. On March 19th Health Canada released “Details of Proposed Label Display Requirements for Cannabis.” Health Canada proposes to define CHPs as drugs containing cannabis that make health claims regarding treatment of “minor ailments.” A “drug containing cannabis” is just a cannabis product that is marketed with a therapeutic claim. To paraphrase the Cannabis Regulations, this is a claim that the cannabis product prevents or treats a disease or abnormal state, or modifies an organic function in human beings.
    The line of canned, THC-infused beverages will hit stores in Canada this July. The cannabis beverages will be produced at Peak Processing Solutions in Windsor, Ontario and distributed by Entourage Health based in Toronto, Ontario. Each 12-ounce can of TeaPot contains 5 milligrams of THC and is crafted to minimize any cannabis taste or aroma. TeaPot will introduce additional varieties in the coming months. Initially available in Canada, TeaPot is the first beverage brand developed by BBCCC Inc, the cannabis subsidiary of Boston Beer. That’s right, cannabis-infused cooking oils are coming — which you could use more or less like regular oils, though perhaps a bit more selectively. Get your organic, lab-tested, and biodegradable tea bags from Kikoko teas made from whole-plant extract. These low dose (3-10mg THC per packet) teas can treat pain and anxiety (Sympa-tea), promote better sleep (Tranquili-Tea), enjoy a romantic evening (Sensuali tea) and improve your mood (Positivi-Tea).

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  29. Our guide to the best poker sets is for anyone who loves to play poker and other card games, but may not be a frequent visitor to casinos or cardrooms. The guide has been put together with every type of poker player in mind, from beginners to enthusiasts and even poker pros. This guide has something for everyone who loves playing cards with high stakes in mind. Best of all, you can decide if you want to play for fun or up the ante and play for money. It’s also good for those who want a decent poker set to practice to join the high rollers in a real poker tournament. The Kitco Silver Round Poker Set contains 100 Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) silver bullion rounds, in 4 tubes of 25 coins. The four different designs are part of the impressive Silver Shield series, designed and minted in .999 silver bullion by the Golden State Mint.
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  32. While writing this Cherry Fiesta Casino review, we were curious to look at the bonus they offer to their players; scam casinos like this will often offer a wide variety of bonus offers and promotions to new customers in an attempt to get you to sign up and make a deposit. We weren’t left disappointed – and the site offers a bonus that – at any reputable casino – would be considered incredibly generous! Wie Sie anhand aller Informationen in unserem Testbericht sehen können, ist Cherry Fiesta Casino ein sehr schlechtes Online-Casino. Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher, nicht bei diesem Casino zu spielen, und raten Ihnen dringend davon fern zu bleiben. They advertise the fact that the site is operated by Global Games Tech Ltd – likely in a way to convince you to deposit, thinking the site is real and legit. However, we want to make this very clear; you should NOT register an account at Cherry Fiesta Casino, and you should certainly not make any deposits or play there for yourself. If you win, it’s doubtful you’ll be paid your winnings – and the casino software is about as bent as it gets.
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  34. The program advisors encourage but do not require, students to take elective courses in the certificate program in Cannabis Production, the associate program in Cannabis Science, or the bachelor’s program in Cannabis Chemistry to augment their skills in safety and testing. With an increased focus on good manufacturing practices, mold and toxicity testing, and strict compliance, students that combine cannabis business and cannabis chemistry are setting themselves up to participate competitively in a booming market. Find the service that best suits your needs. List and explain the classes of cannabis under Schedule 4 of the Cannabis Act – New Classes, including edibles, extracts and topicals The fourth offering in KPU’s Cannabis Career Training series of non-credit professional training courses, the retail course is a four-day in-class workshop that was developed in consultation with industry experts including: Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (CAMCD) and the Responsible Marijuana Retail Alliance of BC, which comprises the Alliance of Beverage Licensees (ABLE BC) and British Columbia Government and Service Employees Union (BCGEU).
    Colour Contrast The province allows possession by adults of up to 30 grams, or a little more than one ounce, of cannabis in a public place. The national government has set equivalencies for one gram of dried cannabis as five grams of fresh cannabis; 15 grams, or one-half ounce of edibles; 70 milliliters, or 2.35 fluid ounces, of liquid; 0.25 grams of concentrate; and one plant seed. No limit has been established for the amount of marijuana that can be stored in a home. The new figures contained in the OCS’s quarterly report also show shoppers chose brick-and-mortar stores for 96 per cent of their recreational cannabis purchases in the distributor’s third quarter, with $383 million in sales and 57 million grams of pot sold in stores across the province. The information provided is detailed and nuanced. For example, the website explains that while it was once thought that the species of cannabis — sativa or indica — was solely responsible for the effect, that can be misleading. Many cannabis users are under the impression that sativa strains provide more energy, while indica strains are more calming or sedating.

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    Pep Guardiola does not think that Erling Haaland is injured but will wait to see what the Manchester City doctors say this week. The FA Cup always delivers shocks and plenty of Premier League clubs have tricky tests facing them in the last 16. He said: “I’ve played against Manchester City here and in the Champions League, it’s a very difficult match. Maybe it’s going to be more difficult now with the issues they are having. On Saturday, United and City will renew hostilities for the 189th time with United having all the momentum right now. In their last 18 competitive matches, Erik Ten Hag’s team have just lost once while City have been rather inconsistent this season. In one match, they blew away Chelsea by 4-0 in the FA Cup and 1-0 in the Premier League, and then lost to Southampton in the EFL Cup. Against the Saints, the reigning Premier League Champions failed to register a single shot on target in 90 minutes.

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    The Passions Network is a large web of online dating sites, each one focused on a particular point of interest. Among the likes of Music Passions, Fashion Passions, and Pets Passions, there’s also Gaming Passions which aims to help gamers match up with other gamers in love and romance. For anyone who might not be aware, to catfish someone is to use a fake profile to open a dialogue with them and lead them to believe you are someone else. That is where Cuddli comes in. Cuddli is a dating app similar to Tinder free Bumble , site it’s made for geeks and gamers to gather and hopefully meet. The app works in tandem with your Facebook profile, dating it gathers basic profile info and pictures. While it’s not completely foolproof, it does make catfishing harder by requiring the link.

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    You do not just sit through the game and directly play it. You can personalize the entire game to your own liking. Choose from various styles for multiple themes, including cards, decks, and backgrounds. There are several premade designs to choose from, but you can always unlock more of them through coins. You can earn coins through each game session — whether you win or lose, if you win a game, you get double the rewards. It is a tough game, but Crazy Quilt is a really interesting online solitaire variation. If you do find this game too easy there are three difficulty modes, the most difficult one really might test your patience! Dead by Daylight Redeem Codes 2022 Registered Office: 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU, United Kingdom. The solitaire Klondike turn is popular gameplay with an ordinary deck of 52 cards with all jokers dispose of.

  38. This requires a membership which costs a fee, but you get tons of games, online playing with friends and also cloud data saving so you do not lose any progress. Nintendo Switch online can be played solo but is also a multiplayer experience since you can play multiplayer games with your friends on the internet. We all know friends can become enemies fast while playing Mario Kart, that's why we love it so much. A little friendly competition never does any harm! We highly recommend this game for Switch thanks to the dozens of tracks available. The Doom reboot paved the way for excellent Switch ports, and it featured a solid multiplayer component. It’s not the nicest looking or best multiplayer game on Nintendo’s platform but it’s a solid effort nonetheless. Finding the best free Nintendo Switch games can be a life-saver if you’ve just blown all your money on a new console and don’t have any funds left over to spend on something to play. Video games aren’t cheap – especially the hottest AAA titles – and while there are plenty of great indie titles available at reasonable prices, if cash is tight then there’s a decent assortment of free games to be had.
    A continuation of a motocross racing game from 2014, developed once again by the experienced Italian team at Milestone, creators of such series as SBK: Superbike or MotoGP. MXGP 2: The Official Motocross Videogame focuses on the carrier mode, in which you assume the role of a young motocross rider on his way to the top of the MXGP ranking. Download more games So what does the game offer? It offers the Milestone formula. To those not familiar with the Milestone formula, what this essentially equates to is a breakdown of the following: An emulated racing career whereby you manage a team, race for money, and become the champion. Practice to your heart’s content in what’s known as Free Riding. Compete against time-based objectives within the game’s Time Session mode. And last but not least, Motocross of Nation: play as a real-life racer from your favourite given country and compete against those in simulated, annually events. There’s also an online-mode to take part in if that’s your thing.

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    **Problem gambling? Contact the National Helpline at 1-800-522-4700 @will, all i am saying is its not a sure shot jackpot, its a strong belief among many gamefaqers that with 10 luck u get 3 oranges right off the bat, instead i got pwned of my 2000 caps, the big payout is the only reason i played it since im only lvl 4 right now, i guess i was better off with blackjack and caravan, chomps lewis was right, even with high luck u can lose ur months hard earned income in a few pulls lol. Arguably, Boulder Area slots seem to be a little more generous than their counterparts in North Las Vegas. While slots are often predicated on luck, data indicates that generally avoiding Downtown and Strip casinos in favor of North Las Vegas could be better if you are specifically looking to improve your chances and win more. Here are some venues in North Las Vegas to consider:

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    In June 2022, another bad beat jackpot hit at Playground Poker Club, but this one was even bigger. Much bigger. The pot reached $2.2 million by all accounts, the largest BBJ in live poker history. The complex houses a 100,000 square-foot casino with approximately 2,800 slot machines, 59 table games, and two poker rooms. There is a spa, convention space, live music theater, and a luxury hotel with 400 guest rooms and suites. Hosted in MotorCity Casino Hotel’s  SoundBoard, the event featured a host of Red Wings players and alumni such as Adam Erne, Robby Fabbri, Robert Hagg, Ville Husso, Olli Maatta, Larry Murphy, Alex Nedeljkovic, Jordan Oesterle, Mark Pysyk, Mickey Redmond, Elmer Soderblom and Pius Suter. MotorCity has a 17-table poker room with live Texas Hold’em and Omaha action. Cash games run around the clock at varying buy-ins. Smaller tournaments take place weekly, while a larger Deep Stack NL event happens every month.

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    The name “penny slots” suggests inexpensive play. On a per play basis, risking 40 cents on a penny slot is a lot less expensive than $5 a hand on a low-minimum blackjack table. Here, you will find all the best penny slot machines to play and where to find them. You will also learn how to play penny slots with the help of this guide and whether they hold their place among the top RTP slots category. On top of that, we have included tips and tricks on how to win penny slots. The basics of penny slots are the same as in any other video slots or online slots. They have multiple paylines, bonus events and random number generators to determine what you see on your screen. Like all slot machines, winning at penny slots will primarily depend on luck. However, there are some ways you can tilt the odds in your favor and increase the chances of making some money and increasing your bankroll. Below are a few tips on how to play penny slots a bit smarter and maximize your chances of winning:

  68. As well as the popular fully-fledged titles, you might have already heard of some of these popular web browser battle royale games. Zombs Royale, for example, is a top-rated io game in this genre. That’s it! That’s how to enable cross platform Fortnite matches. If you’re having any issues with party chat across devices, then make sure you’re not in any other party chats on your system, and that your voice chat is set to party channel in the social menu. You’ll definitely want to communicate if you’re going to earn that sweet Victory Royale. Good luck! The fusion of Xbox and Fortnite is an undeniable match made in gaming heaven. Xbox Live boasts one of the largest online multiplayer communities in the world, and Fortnite thrives on heart-pounding action. With the impressive performance power of Xbox, who needs to be draped in gold? Everything you need for a fantastic gaming experience is right at your fingertips. And now, with the removal of the Xbox Live Gold barrier, you’re free to enjoy Fortnite’s glory without spending an extra dime to get online.
    Sign up guessed I enjoy the Telephone Pictionary icebreaker because it combines two classic games into one fun and engaging activity. It’s a great way to bring people together and get them laughing, which is why I think it’s perfect for parties and other social gatherings. In the second round, all players will try and guess what the secret word might be before passing the note around once more. Then in round three, each player will draw the previous player’s guess before once again guessing the secret word in round four. After that, each player’s results will be revealed. It’s a four-player game then with three different game modes – online against random players, online with pals or offline with only 1 secret word using a pass and play setup.

  69. With SafeMoon Protocol, token holders will earn more SAFEMOON depending on how many tokens they have. SafeMoon protocol will gain value over time thanks to its coin-burning strategy, making it a deflationary digital currency. Ethan WuA reading from the Book of Crypto: Rocket emoji. Rocket emoji. Moon emoji. Moon emoji. Moneybags emoji. Moneybags emoji. We are so back. Let’s effing go. Today on the show: Really? Is crypto back? Also included, a private key engraved on a 43 gram physical coin with a public vanity address — 1MoonBTCixFH3XTrWRCbMpK23o74nQrA1Q — is pitched as “the first-ever financial asset sent to the Moon.” Since Bitcoin is naturally a virtual currency, BitMEX plans to create a coin billed to have a total weight of 43 grams with a market value of $45,000 as of January 8, 2024. The space rocket that will lift the coin is the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Vulcan rocket and it will also be integrated into the Peregrine-1 commercial lunar lander.
    With ChangeNOW, LTC to BTC conversions are simple, transparent, and you don’t even need to register. Let’s say you want to convert 1 Litecoin to BTC: Please visit our contact page, and select “I need help with my account” if you believe this is an error. Please include your IP address in the description. Instant cryptocurrency exchange Changelly is a premium crypto OTC provider designed for exchanging large amounts of crypto. The crypto OTC platform offers special conditions for all crypto-to-crypto deals. The minimum amount for OTC deals is 10 BTC. The minimum exchange amount for LTC to BTC may vary. Check the platform at for specific details. If you’re looking to instantly exchange your Litecoin (LTC) to Bitcoin (BTC) without the hassle of KYC, look no further than Swapzone. With their user-friendly platform and seamless process, swapping LTC to BTC has never been easier.

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