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Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesinin 3’üncüsünü düzenlediği “Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi Ulusal Karikatür Yarışması” sonuçları açıklandı. Dereceye giren eserler Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi 4. Kitap Fuarı’nda sergilenecek.

Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından bu yıl 3’üncüsü düzenlenen Ulusal Karikatür Yarışması sonuçlandı. İki kategoride düzenlenen yarışmada 18 yaş altı ve 18 yaş üstündeki toplam 240 eseri, Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı Mustafa Gökoğlan, Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Dairesi Başkanı Hüdaverdi Otaklı, Karikatüristler Savaş Ünlü, Şevket Yalaz, Abdülkadir Uslu, Mehmet Selçuk, Altan Özeskici, Ali Şur ve Kübra Deligöz’ün yer aldığı jüri tarafından değerlendirildi.

 “2020 Denizli Yılı” Konulu Ulusal Karikatür Yarışması sonuçlandı. 18 yaş altı kategoride Yaşar Topçu YBO’lu 8. sınıf öğrencimiz Medine GÖKTEPE “Mansiyon Ödülü”nün sahibi oldu.

Yapılan açıklamada ; İki yıldır Görsel Sanatlar Öğretmeni /Karikatür Sanatçısı Aşkın AYRANCIOĞLU ile resim ve karikatür çalışan Medine GÖKTEPE halen Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi sınavlarına hazırlanıyor. Bu ödülle birlikte ilk ulusal ödülünü kazanan Medine “Mansiyon ödülü” olarak 500 TL alacak.

Dereceye giren karikatüristlere ödülleri Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi 4. Kitap Fuarı’nın açılışında verilecek. Ödül töreninin ardından dereceye giren karikatürler fuar alanında sergilenecek.

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Haber Merkezi- Denizli Belediyesi

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  12. Future studies are needed on the consequences of legalizing medicinal marijuana. These include rates of psychosis, accidents, aggression, dropping out of school, HIV and sexually transmitted disease. Other concerns include the effects of licenced cannabis grow operatives that may provide the drug with no or little regulation to patients, decriminalizing recreational cannabis, and physician prescribing for indications that are not based on validated studies. Without private cannabis companies and proper branding, the Ontario government’s plan to roll out the sale of marijuana won’t be able to compete with the current black market, advocates say. As you’ve probably noticed, Aurora Cannabis had one of the more notable descents among Canadian marijuana growers by peak production. This decline has to do with a combination of more accurately matching output with market demand, as well as conserving cash. Aurora Cannabis announced in November that it would immediately halt construction at its 1.62-million-square-foot Aurora Sun facility in Alberta, and its 1-million-square-foot Aurora Nordic 2 campus in Denmark. With the exception of utilizing 238,000 square feet of cultivation space at Aurora Sun, this effectively idles around 325,000 kilos of annual run-rate output.
    CANNABIS XPRESS is the best cannabis shop in Ontario with the fastest service. Visit our flagship Cannabis store in Toronto’s Bloordale Village to discover the Shivaa’s Rose experience! The government of Ontario has announced the AGCO as the regulator for privately run recreational cannabis stores. You must be at least 19 years old to enter this store. Whether you are thinking about trying cannabis for the first time or you are a cannabis fanatic, you will find absolutely everything on our. Since we want you to keep coming back, we make sure to try and test the cannabis products before adding them to our range and to make sure our customers get the best that the different parts of Canada have to offer. There weren’t any lineups at stores in Ontario, because there aren’t any stores. The province began legalization with online sales only.

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  49. The thesis statements for compare and contrast essays are the most important guiding paragraphs for this essay type because it’s what keeps you in focus. The thing is that you can’t develop a good thesis statement example for compare and contrast essay if you haven’t established the relations between the subjects (see above). It’s important to remember that a thesis includes both an observation and an opinion: Between Me and the World”” and “”Holler if You Hear Me”” are books that have particularly been written to address the racial injustices in America; how they arise and their effect on the lives and relationships of the residents at large. In both texts, the authors have largely concentrated on… If you notice, the information is basically the same in each essay. However, the organization of the information is what differs, and the organization is INFINITELY harder in subject-by-suject comparisons. Because it is easier for all of us, I prefer you do a point-by-point comparison.
    There is no one perfect way to organize a rhetorical analysis essay. In fact, writers should always be a bit leery of plug-in formulas that offer a perfect essay format. Remember, organization itself is not the enemy, only organization without considering the specific demands of your particular writing task. That said, here are some general tips for plotting out the overall form of your essay. -Beth Hauser A rhetorical analysis is a type of essay that looks at a text in terms of rhetoric. This means it is less concerned with what the author is saying than with how they say it: their goals, techniques, and appeals to the audience. Up to a certain point, an appeal to pathos can be a legitimate part of an argument. For example, a writer or speaker may begin with an anecdote showing the effect of a law on an individual. This anecdote is a way to gain an audience’s attention for an argument in which evidence and reason are used to present a case as to why the law should or should not be repealed or amended. In such a context, engaging the emotions, values, or beliefs of the audience is a legitimate and effective tool that makes the argument stronger.

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  126. Введення – це не просто кілька рядків, написаних бездумно. Це першочергове завдання – залучити читача до твоєї роботи. Це досягається шляхом короткого опису структури курсової роботи, визначення методології дослідження та пояснення, чому твоє дослідження є значущим. Курсова робота оформлення: з хімії, історії, граматики, англійської мови або чого б то не було, передбачає відповідність роботи найважливішого критерію: унікальності. При написанні наукової праці плагіат неприпустимий, так само як і перенасиченість тексту прямими цитатами з джерел.
    Методичка – це інструкція до дії. Дотримуючись її алгоритму ризики помилок мінімальні. Зрештою, студент завжди може відобразити «нападки» викладача тим, що строго дотримувався рекомендацій кафедри Перефразовуючи відомий вислів, сміливо можна сказати: якщо методички підготовлені, значить це комусь так треба. Наприклад, методистам і співробітникам кафедри, які відпрацьовують свої функції. Або завзятим викладачам, котрі старанно прагнуть поділитися безцінним досвідом з послідовниками.

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