Boyabat’ta ki Dersaneler de Kapatıldı…


14 Mart 2014 tarih ve 28941 sayılı resmi gazete yer alan ilgili maddeler çerçevesinde ilçemizde yer alan dersanelerin kapatılma işlemleri gerçekleştirildi. Söz konusu kararlar ilgililere tebliğ edildiği öğrenildi.

Bilindiği gibi geçen yıllarda Resmi Gazetede ( 14 Mart 2014 tarihli ve 28941 sayılı) yer alan

MADDE 9 – 8/2/2007 tarihli ve 5580 sayılı Özel Öğretim Kurumları Kanununun 2 nci maddesinin birinci fıkrasının (c), (g) ve (j) bentleri aşağıdaki şekilde değiştirilmiş ve aynı fıkranın (b) bendinde yer alan “dershaneleri,” ibaresi ile (f) bendi yürürlükten kaldırılmıştır. “
c) Okul: Özel eğitim, okul öncesi, ilkokul, ortaokul ve ortaöğretim ile Bakanlıkça dönüşüm programına alınan kurumlardan 2018-2019 eğitim-öğretim yılının sonuna kadar faaliyetleri devam eden ortaöğretim özel okulları,” “

g) Çeşitli kurslar: Ortaöğretime veya yükseköğretime giriş sınavlarına hazırlık niteli- ğinde olmamak kaydıyla, kişilerin sosyal, sanatsal, sportif, kültürel ve mesleki alanlarda bilgi, beceri, dil, yetenek ve deneyimlerini geliştirmek, isteklerine göre serbest zamanlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla faaliyet gösteren özel öğretim kurumlarını,”

“j) Öğrenci etüt eğitim merkezi: On iki yaş ve altındaki öğrencilerin, derslerine çalış- malarına, ödev ve projelerini yapmalarına yardımcı olmak; ilgi, istek ve yetenekleri doğrultusunda sosyal, sanatsal, sportif ve kültürel faaliyetler yürütmek üzere kurulan özel öğretim kurumlarını,”

MADDE 10 – 5580 sayılı Kanunun 3 üncü maddesinin beşinci fıkrası aşağıdaki şekilde değiştirilmiş ve maddeye aşağıdaki fıkra eklenmiştir.

“Bu Kanun kapsamındaki ilkokul, ortaokul, lise ve özel eğitim okulları için 1 Eylül tarihinden sonra verilen kurum açma izinleri, ertesi eğitim-öğretim yılından itibaren geçerlidir.” “Her ne ad altında olursa olsun, eğitim ve öğretim sunmak amacıyla yürütülen faaliyetler Bakanlığın izin ve denetimine tabidir. Bu faaliyetleri yürütenler, özel öğretim kurumları için bu Kanunda öngörülen kurallara uymakla yükümlüdür.”

Not ilgili resmi gazeteye ulaşmak için  tıklayınız.

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  17. If you are still unsure, go for help. If you are part of a pre-established panel, ask your panel convenor what he/she thinks about your abstract. (Obviously, it helps if this is not done at the very last minute…). Ask your PhD supervisor whether he/she can give some advice. Or browse the numerous abstracts that are online from previous conferences. Look for abstracts of young researchers, who are still at very early stages of their career. Ask yourself: what made the evaluator gain a positive impression of a given proposal? An abstract is a single paragraph preceded by the heading “Abstract,” centered and in bold font. The abstract does not begin with an indented line. APA (2020) recommends that abstracts should generally be less than 250 words, though many journals have their own word limits; it is always a good idea to check journal-specific requirements before submitting. The Writing Center’s APA templates are great resources for visual examples of abstracts.
    The front cover of a sample academic journal (PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies). Note that it includes a year, as well as “Vol.” (for “Volume”) and “No.” (for “Number”). Because journals are published regularly, this information identifies different issues (like month and year on a popular magazine). Using what you found in your preliminary research, write a thesis statement that succinctly summarizes what your research paper will be about. This is usually the first sentence in your paper, making it your reader’s introduction to the topic. The length and detail presented in the background varies for different research papers, depending on the complexity and novelty of the research topic. At times, a simple background suffices, even if the study is complex. Before writing and adding details in the background, take a note of these additional points:

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    Enriching audio tours offer insights into selected changing exhibition artworks. Kiba & Kumba Jigsaw Puzzle Use jigsaw puzzles in language lessons to let students practice their speaking skills. Let your students solve the puzzle and then describe what they see to their fellow students. The puzzle must relate to a lesson topic like the example below. Students have to describe the picture an explain the new words they’ve learned in the foreign language. Introducing puzzle social feed, where you can share your photos, turn them into puzzles and get appreciation from other puzzlers from all over the globe! Connect the game to Facebook to check out puzzles made by your family and friends. Jigsaw Puzzle for Adults FAQ – Everything You Need to Know About Jigsaw Puzzles: Frequently Asked Questions As a …

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    To be frank, this is the year of the bull for crypto. Day trading will make you tens of thousands every month if not millions. Once in a lifetime opportunity. Please do all you can to learn day trade crypto and make all the money crypto you can, because this won’t last. I’m gobsmacked how people are still missing out. Day traders favor scalping crypto because of its ease of automation for bots, low risk, and potential profitability. Programming trading bots can take the anxiety and stress out of trading. Since the positions are smaller with scalping, traders can evaluate the gains or losses at the end of a day instead of long-term investing. Because of the volatility of the markets, traders can reliably earn small profits over time that can amount to considerable gains in the long run. 

  45. In the trading markets you also have no obligation to buy a complete Bitcoin, you can buy small parts of it. Remember that 1 Bitcoin is made up of 100 million “cents” (satoshis). If a Bitcoin is worth €1000, you can buy 1 euro if you want. The Kraken platform has long been a reliable platform in the Bitcoin exchange world. It was founded in 2011 and trades with fiat and cryptocurrency. The site is a breeze to navigate and they’ve got options for every investor, from novices and seasoned traders to business owners looking to incorporate Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies into payments. Looking to invest in cryptocurrency? It’s essential to know where to buy and store it. Crypto investing is becoming more accessible every day with a number of exchanges, similar to those used for traditional investments, available. You can set up an account in minutes. But, just like investing in any asset, doing your research on a particular currency prior to investing may be wise. If you’re wondering how to invest in cryptocurrency for the first time, the following five steps can get you started:
    Our unique die casting process gives us the ability to create highly detailed and intricate designs. We spent over a year testing different materials combinations and processes to create the highest quality crypto coins on the market. Despite multiple burn events, the Shiba Inu supply remains in the trillions. For the Shiba Inu rate to soar to $1, it would mean that its market cap would have to surge into hundreds of trillions of dollars. This amount would not only exceed that of Bitcoin’s market cap and that of the overall crypto market but also be well above the global GDP, which sits at under $100 trillion at the time of writing. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Shiba Inu’s developers have ambitious plans to build a comprehensive ecosystem around the cryptocurrency, including projects like ShibaSwap (a decentralized crypto exchange) and an upcoming NFT marketplace. An efficiency-boosting network upgrade called Shibarium should roll out in the next couple of months.

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    However, investors must approach these ADA price predictions with a degree of skepticism. Price predictions are often based on historical data and market sentiment, which can shift dramatically based on global economic factors, regulatory news, and changes within the Cardano network itself. Cardano’s ADA price has fallen to its lowest value in a year after slight declines in decentralized finance activity on the blockchain network. Daedalus is a full node wallet. This means that unlike light wallets (e.g.Yoroi, Adalite etc.) Daedalus downloads a full copy of the Cardano blockchain and independently validates every transaction in its history. That way you get maximum security and completely trustless operation, without centrally hosted 3rd party servers.

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